If you do not have an easily accessible qualifying document, we recommend trying the following:
- Reach out to your local SNAP, WIC, or Medicaid provider to request an active enrollment document for your child.
- Log into your SNAP, Medicaid, or WIC online account and take a screenshot or picture that shows the following details: program, child’s name, and active dates within 12 months.
- Log into your provider’s app and take a screenshot that shows the following details: program, child’s name, and active dates within 12 months. A physical SNAP, WIC, or Medicaid card will not be accepted.
Please ensure you are submitted your child's enrollment document. Documents for a legal guardian, sibling, or other family member’s eligibility will not approve the child’s application, unless the child's name is listed on the document.
Altered documents will not be approved and could result in all future applications being ineligible for the household.